Orkney seems a paradise for photographers of many types - whether you into landscape or wildlife or underwater photography. The place seems to be too small to hold all of it and sometimes you may feel it will burst. No surprise that so many photo seminars and workshops are held on the magical islands as finding a great location seems so easy and hassle free.

Archaeological sites like mushrooms are popping up all over the place, at each turn or junction. Being often excavated by the local folks they hold stories and mysteries, they are the local folklore and the mirror into the past. Or rather many different pasts - from 5000 years ago to more recent, but equally fascinating events... History seems to be filling the air and your nostrils. Quirky, mysterious, unexplained but always surprising and engaging. Crime but not always punishment. Clashes of cultures. Twists and turns of unexpected magnitude...

In the summer the days are incredibly long, giving you more than ever time to explore and exploit photographic opportunities. Well, there is one not-so-great side of it: sunset and sunrise are spaced out so closely together that you will not be able to have a relaxing pint in a nearby pub in between. Instead prepare to suffer from sleep deprivation as 3-4 hours of sleep is all you can get if you want to make most of the light. But boy, it can be worth it! Dramatic sky, stone circles, waves fiercely slashing against the vertical cliffs washed in warm light of the sunset... that is if you lucky and got to see some of the sun at the right time! And if you do - it probably would not last.
Six nights and just one sunrise. Would I go back - oh boy, yes as this one hour was well worth it! Empty stone circle filled with busy chirping of birds,refreshing breeze and sun reflecting on the nearby lochs. The feeling of standing in the middle of over 5000 years of history. Time to reflect, time to relax. Time to breath in the unspoilt spirit of the far islands, the nature and purity. Click.

For the same money you could go to Croatia and get your sunset shot with 99% chances of clear sky - but trust me, Orkney will be much more rewarding though you may get just an hour of the perfect light. And for the remaining 5 days immerse into the history, into the ancient graves and dwellings. Combat the elements and enjoy the unpredictability of the weather. From the most dramatic sky to sunshine - in less than 5 minutes. Gale winds followed by the silence and stillness. Certain magnetism filling the air at all the time.
And if you still thrill for more - go for the local Orkney ice cream or the Dark Island.

Enjoying the Scottish Summer